Saturday, November 08, 2008

Saturday Night Family Clean

I had a great thought pop in my head tonight.  Our house was a mess and I didn't have the energy to clean it all by myself.  So we had a Saturday Night Family Clean.  The kids loved the idea.  I told them we needed to clean the house so that we could have a better Sunday and keep it holy.  (I don't normally go by this rule but I might start)  It totally worked.  It's so clean.  The floors are even mopped and cupboards wiped.  It was awesome.  I think we just started a new family tradition.  So I'm super thankful for a clean house tonight but especially for all my helpers.


Amberly said...

eryka, I love these daily postings, thank you for sharing the little things you are grateful for. and I also love the idea of a saturday night clean... brilliant!

Worthy Glover Sr. or Gail Glover said...

We used to call it a 15 minute panic pick-up, and everyone joined together to get one room clean. It was fun to work together quickly and then be done so soon, because of all helpers. Someimes it amazing what you can all get done together when you're not wasting time.I'm always up for more fun ways to get kids to work together willinglingly and productively.

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how much more help you can get out of everyone when you all work together. I used to play with you and your brothers and make a game out of getting toys picked up we would see who could pick up the most. It works.

Lesli said...

What a great idea - I might just have to implement this idea here :)