Thursday, July 28, 2011


We have some big decisions to make in the next few days.  One is our housing.  I'm trying to decide what's most important.  What's most important to you when it comes to housing?  Living in Sao Paulo I want to feel safe.  I want to be close to the kids school.  I would love to be close to friends.  I want something comfortable.  I want something affordable.  Hopefully in the next few days we can find that perfect place we can call home.  I'll let you know as soon as I do.

(I'm also going to start taking the camera so I can take pictures.)


Tania said...

#1 Safe
#2 Good / close school

#3 Everything else.

laura said...

I love that you are blogging! I'm so glad you made it there safely. Good luck with the house search. Can't wait to see pictures of life in Brazil!

Ja said...

#1 absolutely safety first
#2 affordability
#3 close to necessities (hospital, groceries, church, etc.)
#4 friends (you'll make friends no matter where you go)
#5 School (most likely you'll do private schools and so you'll drive them anyway)

PS--I'll be in Sao Paulo in October!!! We've GOT to meet up at least for a dinner or something. I may not have my own car though. Tchau zao!