Thursday, January 24, 2008


I know I want to blog more and need to blog more but at the end of the day I just want to check everyone else's blogs and see what their up to.  Tonight I did so and I think nobody else felt like blogging either.

I have a question  for everyone living in America.  Are the 80's coming back?  They definitely are in Europe.  Everywhere I go I see styles from the 80's.  Mullets, skinny jeans, side ponytails, big belts, leggings.  Is it just here or is it like that in America too?  

I'm seriously thinking about buying a pair of skinny jeans and tall boots.  In Spain every girl wears these everyday.  I swore I would never wear skinny jeans.  What is wrong with me?  

Is this look popular in the States?  Leave a comment or go blog so I can mindlessly read your blogs and you don't have to hear me go on about skinny jeans and boots.  


Erin said...

skinny jeans were definitly in last year, and I still see them around but I don't know if they're technically deemed in. I see a lot of 80's style around my neighborhood, but I'm pretty sure it's not intentional. :)

Good luck. Do they have "Project Runway" in Spain?! If not, you're in for a treat when you return to the States. :)

By the way, where are you guys going once you get back?

Chrislynn said...

the 80's influence has definitely hit the east coast, and I live in jersey, so it is usually done very poorly here; not like a hip update, more like a sad recreation of the past. However, I live close enough to the city that I also find myself coveting skinny jeans, but I think I am much too short to pull off the look

Carina said...

It's everywhere, even Utah.

Chris & Stephanie said...

They are back with attitude. See them everywhere.

rick and cheryl said...

So funny you ask. We were just talking about this at Church. They seem to be influencing all the teens in the ward. But, it times up perfectly with my friend Karen's blog. You should check it out. There's a link from mine. Karen and Zack. So much to look forward to!

rick and cheryl said...

Oh, and yes, you nailed it with the leggings. Everyone wears those, even girls clothes have them again. They are so rad! :) Sorry, I forgot to put it there.

Amberly said...

I also swore I wouldn't ever wear skinny jeans, I couldn't see how in the world they could be flattering on anyone, but my sisters, who I can take all fashion cues from, have me wondering... I personally think you'd look fabulous in skinny jeans, boots and a great big belt!

The Silly Witch said...

I have mostly just seen jeans with holes in the knees.